
TV brackets and the confusingly named iTV

November 30, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Jeffrey

When you see the name iTV, you may think it’s a typo, but when you learn that this is potentially a future Apple product, all becomes clearer.

The manufacturer of the iPod and iPhone has a high tech TV offering in mind; quite possibly one where the user can control the set using gestures. It has asked Sharp to begin manufacturing Apple screens from February with a view to launching in the second half of next year.

There has been much speculation about a potential Apple TV ever since it was mentioned in Steve Jobs biography, which was published shortly after his death.

Jobs said:

“I’d like to create an integrated television set that is completely easy to use. It would be seamlessly synced with all of your devices and with iCloud. It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it.”

Since then, Apple has filed a patent for ‘real time video process control using gestures’ which offers further clues. The patent describes the use of infrared, motion and other sensors to read people’s movements.

The interface could allow people to do more than simply control video. Facial recognition is also mentioned, meaning people could be tagged in videos which could subsequently be grouped. Additionally, the iPhone was recently updated with a voice control application and this could also be used.

But while the control system may change, the TV itself will still need to be installed in the same way, using TV brackets. If anything, a control system based on gestures will make this even more important.

Time shift television and TV brackets

November 29, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Eric

The way in which we watch TV is changing. Previously, all TV viewing centred around the main TV and we generally watched programmes when they were broadcast. This is not so much the case these days.

Now it’s more common for us to choose what we watch as well as when we watch it. On-demand services accessible via the internet mean we can watch programmes on computers and phones, while digital video recorders offer us a means of viewing them at a convenient time in greater comfort.

Many thought that the TV would lose importance with video being so easily accessible from other devices, but that isn’t proving to be the case. The other devices mean we can watch TV at times when we couldn’t before, but other than that, the greatest impact they have had is on the general, background TV watching in which people indulge. When someone really wants to watch something, they are as likely as ever to watch it on the main TV.

The modern TV doesn’t fulfil multiple purposes. It is there for the most focused form of TV watching – ‘serious TV viewing’ if you will. When you watch TV in this way, you want the best experience possible and this means mounting your TV on the wall using TV brackets. Doing this ensures the set is in the optimum position for viewing, meaning you can sit comfortably and get the most out of the programme or film that you are watching.

Why we still need TV brackets for internet TV

November 29, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Eric

Recent news has highlighted why increasing internet TV usage hasn’t negated the need for TV brackets. In the US, major cable companies like Time Warner are considering implementing new ways of charging in response to increasing web usage via Netflix and Hulu.

Many people don’t think of these video on demand services as being provided through the internet, because often there is no computer or browser involved. However, anyone streaming video via a games console, set top box or through the TV is basically accessing the web.

This has led to some confusion, because when many people hear talk of internet TV, they imagine people huddled round a laptop. Those talking about the future of television don’t envisage this scenario. They are referring to the increasingly widespread usage of on-demand services through the TV.

These services improve TV viewing no end, allowing you access to what you want to watch, when you want to watch it. However, there is a slight downside, as pointed out by Craig Moffett, a market analyst:

“As more video shifts to the web, the cable operators will inevitably align their pricing models. With the right usage-based pricing plan, they can embrace the transition instead of resisting it.”

In essence, nothing comes for free, but realistically this has to be expected. The majority of major TV networks have recognised this trend and now most new programmes will appear on video players on websites or will be available via on-demand services through the TV.

TV brackets provide the best HD viewing experience

November 28, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Jeffrey

High definition TVs are increasingly becoming the standard. Only a year or so ago, an HD TV was a rarity and served little purpose with Blu-ray the only real source of high definition entertainment. However, with HD channels proliferating and online video content frequently available in higher resolutions than most TVs can accommodate, the situation is changing.

In many ways, it is odd that it has taken this long for HD to become so widespread. As soon as TVs started getting bigger – at roughly the time that flat screens became affordable – picture quality effectively deteriorated. A normal resolution image, stretched over four times the area is four times less sharp. This is why HD was introduced. It doesn’t offer sharper images, merely the same sharpness on a larger screen.

In 2010, 185 million HD TVs were sold in Europe and here in the UK, HD programmes have been available free to air since 2009. As time has gone on, more and more HD content has become available and while it will be some time before it becomes the norm, things are definitely heading that way. You don’t need to subscribe to expensive cable or satellite TV services.

To get the most out of HD TV, you will need to purchase a TV bracket. A bracket will allow you to mount your flat screen TV on the wall, which will provide you with the best possible viewing experience. Brackets are relatively expensive, particularly when you compare the price to TV cabinets, which are rendered redundant by their usage.

Get TV brackets ready for Sky’s HD F1 channel

November 28, 2011
Posted in TV News — Written by Eric

BSkyB have announced that they are to launch a new Formula One HD TV channel. They are hoping that this development will encourage more people to sign up for their HD service.

This is an unusual move. Sky has never before had a channel dedicated to just one sport, but having secured the broadcasting rights to Formula One earlier in the year – along with the BBC – it is clearly going all-out to make the most of them.

The new channel will be available for nine months – the entirety of the F1 season – and anyone who subscribes to Sky Sports 1 and 2 will have access, as will anyone who subscribes to its HD service. A standard definition version of the channel will also be available.

The channel will broadcast live coverage of every race, as well as all practice and qualifying sessions. Furthermore, the race itself will be devoid of ad breaks. Sky had previously been criticised for the timing of ad breaks when it had the rights previously.

Sky Sports managing director, Barney Francis, said:

“Formula One followers are hungry for more and we want to give them the ultimate experience. It’s not just every minute of every race but a channel devoted to Formula One.

“We can now tell the whole story of the season, from every grand prix, from start to finish. Formula One will get the full Sky Sports treatment. We have big plans for live shows and a rich line up of Formula One programmes; getting to the drivers, exploring the technology and lapping up the drama.”

If you’re a huge motoring racing fan and this appeals to you, you should also invest in a TV bracket before the channel launches. The HD experience is at its best when your TV is correctly positioned on the wall.

TV brackets and the return of The Killing

November 27, 2011
Posted in TV News — Written by Eric

The first series of the Danish crime drama was something of a cultural phenomenon. Shown on BBC4, it was a runaway success judged by the viewership of that channel. It received around half a million viewers an episode, on average – more than for the big budget US drama, Mad Men. This despite the fact that the series was subtitled – something which sometimes keeps viewers away.

The series was bought by the BBC on the back of the success it had seen for Wallander, another Scandinavian crime series. It gained viewers throughout its run and now it is back for a second series. Two episodes have been shown so far – so how has it done?

Well, it has done better than ever before. The first episode was watched by 815,000 viewers, perhaps reflecting the fact that many got into the series after its initial showing, watching repeats, downloads of DVDs. Doubtless many will be watching the second series in similar fashion as well.

That number of viewers represented a 3.1 per cent audience share – quite substantial in these days of cable and satellite TV and where even those who don’t subscribe to a service have a choice between hundreds of channels.

The series offers high quality entertainment and plenty of it as well, being far longer than a Hollywood film. If you’re settling in for the entire series, you’ll want to have a decent TV arrangement, so get some TV brackets if you haven’t done so already.

Spend wisely on your TV and TV brackets

November 26, 2011
Posted in TV bracket advice — Written by Ruth

TV prices are generally dropping. High end models can still cost an arm and a leg, but there are increasingly large numbers of affordable LCD sets available. However, it is worth noting that they can prove a false economy.

We make certain sacrifices when we buy cheaper technology and most of us are aware of that. Sound and picture quality is likely to be inferior, but most TVs are good enough these days that this doesn’t really have too great an impact on your viewing experience. A cheap LCD TV is likely to be better to watch than an old CRT TV for example.

However, it may be that a cheap LCD TV’s greatest strength is actually no such thing. Recent research has indicated that budget TVs cost more to run. In some cases, they can be so much less energy efficient that initial savings are completely redundant.

Which? Magazine compared a cheap 40-inch Tesco TV against a Sony Bravia of the same size. The Tesco TV costs £300 and the Sony costs £460, so if you’re economising, there’s a simple decision to make. However, the Tesco TV cost around £42 a year to run, against £14 a year for the Sony TV.

This is a significant difference. Counterintuitively, you might even end up paying more for the budget TV. The same applies to TV brackets in a way. If you economise too much, you could put your TV at risk of falling with an associated cost far, far greater than that of any TV bracket.

Can you get TV brackets for 3D TVs?

November 25, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Jeffrey

3D is the latest viewing technology. There are few action-packed blockbusters these days that aren’t given the 3D treatment. This isn’t simply for cinema-goers benefit. In fact, if anything, it’s for those at home.

Previously, making a 3D film meant gambling on finding an audience at the cinema. 3D was often seen as gimmicky, so this wasn’t always an easy task. However, since the advent of 3D TV, people have been looking for 3D films to watch at homes – and as the market has offered relatively little, those films which have been made in 3D have often seen huge success.

That may be changing now. These days, there is a much wider selection of films and the days when every 3D TV owner had at least one copy of Avatar have gone. This might make for fewer sales of 3D films, but sales of 3D TVs are up and will climb still further.

This begs the question as to whether there are special 3D TV brackets out there. The answer is no, but don’t worry, because that’s only because ordinary TV brackets will do the job.

The fact is that a 3D TV is the same shape and weight as any other sort of flat screen and so can be fitted onto the wall in much the same way. This is a good idea as well as having the TV fitted to the wall provides the best 3D experience due to the superior viewing angle.

Buying someone a TV bracket for Christmas

November 24, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Eric

It might not be the most exciting gift ever – in fact it’s more likely to feature in a list of the least exciting gifts – but that doesn’t mean that people won’t be grateful for a TV bracket.

If you’ve got a friend or family member who’s been talking about getting a new TV for as long as you can remember, buying them a TV bracket can be a jokey way of spurring them to head down to the shops come the January sales.

A TV bracket highlights the benefits of buying a new TV. If someone’s got an old CRT TV sitting on a stand, taking up half their living room, a TV bracket can provide a moment of clarity. Why should they give up all that floor space to a piece of equipment? Why not get a brand new flat screen TV and set it on the wall?

As people get older, they tend to be less bothered about presents. Children want a million toys, teenagers might want music and DVDs, adults generally just want things that are useful to them. Our homes are cluttered enough as it is without adding more and more barely wanted items each year. A TV bracket is functional and it also helps clear space, so it’s doubly beneficial. It might be worth checking with other people living with the recipient first, however, to see if they might need a particular type of bracket.

New forms of TV but the same set on the same TV brackets

November 23, 2011
Posted in TV brackets — Written by Eric

TV viewing habits are changing, but any suggestion that people will turn to mobile devices for their viewing is proving wildly inaccurate. Even if people are watching more and more video on phones and laptops, the fact remains that serious TV watching is done in comfort with a large TV mounted on the wall using TV brackets.

Recent research has shown that Brits are embracing new forms of TV and why wouldn’t they be? Even though they appear through the same TV set, the new sources minimise exposure to advertising and maximise enjoyment. People are finding they are more absorbed in TV programmes than ever before.

71 per cent of people questioned in the survey said that they wanted to consume broadcast content at a time of their choosing and fortunately for them, there are now more and more ways in which they can do that. DVDs and Blu-rays have been around for a while, but on-demand services now come with cable and satellite packages, while digital recorders are common. The internet is yet another source of TV. Users can download entire series and watch episodes back-to-back.

The system isn’t yet perfect and 39 per cent of people expressed dissatisfaction with the catch-up periods offered by services such as the iPlayer. Programmes may only be available through these services for as little as a week after being broadcast and consumers are demanding more. Come to a series late and you want to be able to catch up.

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123Brackets is UK's top brand for TV Wall Brackets and TV Stands. We have strong connections with all the big names of industry including Vogels, Premier Mounts, B-Tec and Ateca and TV Wall Mounts suitable for all the LCD and Plasma TV's! We have in stock Brakkets and TV Wall Mounts that are VESA compliant and we keep brackets for all other non VESA compliant TV's as well. Digital scales
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With the growing trend and consumers of Flat Screen, LCD and Plasma TV’s there is a rapid escalation in the selling of [TV Brackets], Wall Brackets, TV Stands and other related accessories.
It’s natural for the buyer of these TV’s to cash the elegance of these display panels by placing them in their homes and offices, which requires them to buy wall mounts for the TV. The LCD or Plasma TV is mounted evenly on the wall, and often mounted in a slight tilted fashion (classically downwards) or on occasions a bracket that keeps the TV turned away from wall (frequently known as cantilever arm brackets), these modes of mounting often relies on the structure of the room plus on the client’s way of interior decoration and on the budget.
123Brackets delivers the astonishing range of T V Wall Brackets and Mounts from the top names in the manufactures market which includes Vogels, Premier Mounts, Edbak and B-Tech. These companies have a very renowned status in the production of Audio Visual equipment, TB Brackets and Accessories. With international compliant Quality Control standards and the rigorous testing their products go through, we can be assured about the quality of products they produce. But most of the time it’s not the case with many cheap fake T V Brackets and TV mounts that are coming from China on to the soil of UK. We at 123Brackets sincerely advice our priceless clients, that they have spent hundreds and sometimes thousands of pounds on their TV and AV systems, so the critical item which keeps them safe should also be purchased keeping in consideration that buying a cheap TV bracket can most of the time prove to be a wrong decision.
Most of the models at 123Brackets of t v Brackets and Mounts are delivered with a minimum guarantee of 5 years, and many more are delivered with a 10-year guarantee further some even are delivered with a lifetime guarantee.

TV Stands

It has become a tradition for our valuable customers in the recent times to give fresh look to their bedrooms and workplaces by large flat screen Plasma or LCD TV with the TV Brackets and TV Wall Mounts, and to fulfill this tradition the industry has responded accordingly. Our customers are provided with ample choice to choose from ATECA, Alphason, Jual Furnishings, Vogels, Elite and Spectral, the famous brands of UK. TV stands with black glass shelves and lofty luster piano black finish have come to associate with LCD and Plasma TV in the truest black form.

TV Accessories

It’s better to think ahead about the Scart, HDMI and Mains Cables because their un wanted presence right with the elegant TV Bracket or Wall Mount will ruin the look and feel of these stylish items. The optimal option is to embed the wires into the wall to avoid their undue space capture, but this is not always feasible for all the customers. For the situation like this we have made variety of cable tidy, cable trunking and wireless scart to resolve this very issue. The Vogels EVO 6000 Column Systems are best known among the audio devotees not only because EVO6000 system can cover the cables but it does incorporate shelves with the system additionally.

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