FREE Tickets – Far North (2008) directed by Asif Kapadia. FarNorth REVIEW: Far North Reviews received high-ratings from Movie Reviews and Film Review Giants. starring: Michelle Yeoh, Tim Miller and Sean Bean
FREE Tickets – Far North (2008) directed by Asif Kapadia. FarNorth REVIEW: Far North Reviews received high-ratings from Movie Reviews and Film Review Giants.
Free tickets for all the cinemas and imax theaters that are showing Far North, and you will confirm that after watching the movie, one can wonder what’s not to love in it. Skillfully shot, excellent location use, naturally acted, extraordinary legendary ending, and the list go on and on.
The splendid drama from the director Asif Kapadia is appreciated as, Dark Tragic Thriller by soda pictures review. With 5 stars from Empire online this movie promises a beautifully shot, frosty Tale of the Unexpected. Interested mini-epic, an adaptation of an Arctic-set story by feminist Sara Maitland, is the manner in which Time Out reviews describe the movie at Again with a 4 star from Eye for Film review the movie is described as absorbing and exceptionally composed filmic fable. The movie gets the same kind of response from other movie review giants like Metro and BBC.
The movie is termed as a bleak powerful dram by Odeon. A must watch movie of the year 2008. With a solid appreciation from the home entertainment companies like lovefilm, the movie is really going to make you love the fascinating drama. All the Trailers with Fact and trivia are available on the largest movie database of imdb. Exquisite and high calibre achievement is fully appreciated by view London review; it’s a great achievement for the movie to receive such ratings from viewlondon. The cast of this epic-drama includes Michelle Yeoh, Tim Miller and Sean Bean and a Guest appearance from M S Bham.
Fiercely uncompromising tale of survival and love, with such comments from guardian, for those who haven’t seen the film it is recommend they go and see it. Michelle Yeoh and Sean Bean star in this quietly intense drama about a man and two women adrift in the Arctic, this is how reviews this epic movie of this year.
See other Reviews:
BBC Review: Seamless scene-to-scene transitions enough to keep you engage throughout the movie.
Channel 4 Reviews: Delicate, virtuosic photography.
Empire Review: It’s simply breath-taking cinematography.
Eyeforfilm Review: Real and Authentic plotting of a genuine book.
Love film Review: Recommend to all the open-minded cinema lovers.
Metro Review: Talented director’s first-rated movie.
Odeon Review: Two-thumbs up!
The Guardian Review: Engaging drama of human struggle!
The Mirror Review: Simply a work of art. All credit to director and the cast.
THE SUN Review: Best Film of 2008, THIS drama starring Sean Bean and Michelle Yeoh has this year’s most shocking movie ending.
Timeout Review: One of the fantastic movies of decade.
View London Review: Amazing movie about Love and Survival!